I’ve decided to choose The Living Coast Discovery Center in Chula Vista for my rhetorical analysis of a space. This place is home to sea turtles, sharks, stingrays, birds of prey and many other creatures. It does serve a purpose because it educates people about species that live in Southern California. Many of these animals are rescued and could no longer survive in the wild. It is known for providing education on wild life and natural habitat conservation. The Living Coast Discovery Center is a non profit organization. This place is situated and surrounded naturally by nature. Schools have been known to take their students to The Living Coast Discovery Center to not only to entertain students but to provide awareness and educate them. I was in elementary when they took my school took me on a trip.They have a couple of different exhibits that display the many species of fish and animals that inhabit San Diego and its surrounding. Their staff is friendly and willing to answer any questions one might have about the species and exhibits. The Living Coast Discovery Center is situated on 316 acres Sweetwater Marsh Wildlife Refuge.  The Living Coast Discovery Center provides education to small children and the old, which is good because they are made aware of the environment and what steps can be taken to preserve it. In addition, to the animals there is several types of plants and walking trails available. The place is somewhat secluded since a bus takes you onto the premises upon arrival. It’s a place where kids will enjoy watching the fish in the aquarium and learn about species. At least the entrance fee is reasonable and is going towards a good cause. On its website it says its been around for over 25 years, and works closely with the San Diego Zoo and SeaWorld to help and release certain species of animals. The building that houses these species isn’t to big so one can see everything in maybe a hour. One exhibit that stands out is the eagle cage, since you get a closer view of eagles and other birds than at the zoo.

2 thoughts on “

  1. I like your choice of space. I remember when I was a child and got to pet the sand sharks and see the ecosystem showcases. I will have to take my nieces their to hopefully inspire them too.


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