
What can I say the class is pretty straight forward. Just follow instructions while writing the assigned paper and you should be fine. Be prepared to do at least one long research paper. I suggest you research, print your sources, and cite a day before  to be ready to go when it comes time to actually sit and type away. I didn’t do that so It took me a while to find the right sources to support my argument. I also advice to go on the SWC online library to find your sources. It is a convenient way to find a reliable source. In addition, the sources for your works cited are done for you if you use the online library, so it will save you the time of actually organizing your sources in MLA format. Be prepared to write weekly blogs like this one, only part I didn’t like is 350 words is a lot for a blog. When they assign you a reading assignment make sure you read and understand what you read because you might just get a quiz the next morning on it. Most of the questions are fill in the blank and explanations so if you don’t do the readings you’ll miss out on some points. I got a low grade on the first one for not reading the assigned pages. Be prepared to research and present  to the class on certain topics, so if you don’t know how to use power point then learn. If you don’t know how to type then learn because the essays can get lengthy. It really helped save me some time by already knowing how to type quick. Be prepared to critique and be critiqued because after every writing assignment your classmates will look over your rough draft. Turn in every assignment that is assigned and do the blogs whether you like them or not because those points will add up quickly. Every paper should be in MLA format so learn and get used to using it. Don’t forget just turn in every assignment covering the requirements and you should be alright.


I’ve decided to choose The Living Coast Discovery Center in Chula Vista for my rhetorical analysis of a space. This place is home to sea turtles, sharks, stingrays, birds of prey and many other creatures. It does serve a purpose because it educates people about species that live in Southern California. Many of these animals are rescued and could no longer survive in the wild. It is known for providing education on wild life and natural habitat conservation. The Living Coast Discovery Center is a non profit organization. This place is situated and surrounded naturally by nature. Schools have been known to take their students to The Living Coast Discovery Center to not only to entertain students but to provide awareness and educate them. I was in elementary when they took my school took me on a trip.They have a couple of different exhibits that display the many species of fish and animals that inhabit San Diego and its surrounding. Their staff is friendly and willing to answer any questions one might have about the species and exhibits. The Living Coast Discovery Center is situated on 316 acres Sweetwater Marsh Wildlife Refuge.  The Living Coast Discovery Center provides education to small children and the old, which is good because they are made aware of the environment and what steps can be taken to preserve it. In addition, to the animals there is several types of plants and walking trails available. The place is somewhat secluded since a bus takes you onto the premises upon arrival. It’s a place where kids will enjoy watching the fish in the aquarium and learn about species. At least the entrance fee is reasonable and is going towards a good cause. On its website it says its been around for over 25 years, and works closely with the San Diego Zoo and SeaWorld to help and release certain species of animals. The building that houses these species isn’t to big so one can see everything in maybe a hour. One exhibit that stands out is the eagle cage, since you get a closer view of eagles and other birds than at the zoo.


I am glad these two weeks of school are almost over, since there will be no studying or homework these next two weeks. It’s good because I’ll actually get to sleep like a normal person and not just a 4-4.5 hours a night. I am lucky on nights that I get 6hrs, since I tend to wake up early and just toss and turn. I’ve had to resort to taking Z-Quil to knock out, and it’s not insomnia it only happens on school weeks. Oh well, I look forward to a better nights sleep.

Boxing has been dead for a while now, but it seems UFC has been watered down this year. It used to be where every month there was a good fight card to look forward too. That meant a night at the bar with friends and good night of fights. The fight cards are so watered down lately that It still makes for a great get together but a lousy night of fights. It’s like all year I’ve only seen one good fight card which is lame because it used to be that every card put out was worth watching. I won’t be watching UFC’s fight card tomorrow night, that’s for sure. Hopefully the watered down cards are a result of injuries in training camps and not a trend.

I’m glad the weekend is here, I’ll most likely go out tonight, do some updates on the house tomorrow, and have mostly  a lazy day on Sunday. NO HOMEWORK!

Why im writing about my topic blog…

I am writing about social media because it is used daily by many people. People also tend to have different opinions on it.  Although it can be a good way to communicate with friends and family, it can also be bad. My argument is that social media has more cons than pros and should be a concern to the public. Some people commit suicide due to cyber  bullying on social media. It also disrupts educational settings when people are posting negative comments or rumors on social media websites that end up becoming a concern on school campuses. It is even worst when little kids are on these sites, because there are cases where they think they are talking to someone they are not. Sick people might use a fake profile name and picture to trick kids into trusting them and revealing private information about them, and later end up kidnapped. Cyber bullying is a cause for concern on social media because it ruins people’s reputations in the eyes of those who believe in the postings. Privacy in social media sites is another reason why there should be concern. There are things you might not want publicized to some, and if it reaches the wrong eyes you can be in trouble. There have been cases where people have been fired due to employers seeing something negative on social media sites. There have been cases of people posting to much information on social media about vacationing some where and upon returning home realizing there valuables were gone. It might lead to addiction, many people can’t go a couple minutes without checking their Facebook. This may be a cause for concern for teens who would rather stay indoors in social media sites rather than staying active and doing things outdoors. Social media sites also lead to less face to face interaction. There have been recent studies conducted recently that address mental health risks for users. It Is believed to cause stress, anxiety, and depression. In addition staring at a screen for to long can’t be good for your eyes either. My reason for my argument is to make people aware of the risks involved with social media. Not saying it’s bad just saying it should be a concern.

technology addiction blog

Many people are addicted to cellphones, social media, video games, and other forms of technology. I believe some people are addicted to certain types of  technology but just don’t realize it or do not want to admit it. I’d like to believe I am not addicted to any. I do use technology on a daily basis but it’s not like I over use it. The technology I use the most is my cell phone but I don’t overuse it because it’s not like I am over on data every month when the bill arrives. However, I did go over my data in the past. I do believe I used it too much in the past, but as of recently I’ve laid it down, and since we can’t bring cell phones to work with camera and Bluetooth capabilities it goes unused for longer periods of time. I believe there is nothing wrong with using todays advances in technology, since they just happen to make life easier. If it’s in moderation or as needed then we should be fine. I will admit I don’t go anywhere without my cellphone, except for inside work. It just makes things easier I’m connected to email if needed, can find addresses, can make a call in an emergency, go online and get a question answered,  manage my bank account and pay bills in a flash. It’s just so convenient, and I am glad they have  evolved over the years. A couple years ago all that wasn’t available in a cellphone. I can’t imagine how it was like a couple years ago, huge cellphones with no internet would have sucked. Another technology I use on a daily basis Is an I pod, either for the gym or for the car. It is just so convenient not having to run with a huge cd player like my older brother had to do in his day if he wanted some music. Plus you were limited to a couple songs in a cd where as in a mp3 you get so much more variety. It’s great that technology keeps advancing and these two items have changed for the better in just a span of a couple years. There in no harm in simplicity and taking advantage of the advances technology has to offer. However, certain technology should be used less, like video games to avoid negative consequences. Some technology is just misused, like little kids using social media and then ending up kidnapped. Only thing that can slightly be considered an addiction for me is my cell phone which includes the internet, but it’s more of a necessity to simplify things.

Story that relates…

This is actually a hard one, since I don’t really think one relates to me that much but if I have to choose one it would be “Afterlife” by Stephen King. I think I relate more to the stories main points because I do happen to be interested in what happens when we die. It’s fascinating because it is something we will never know, until the day we die. It is just weird how there is so many theories out there but nothing concrete. People can say heaven, hell, reincarnation, the end, etc. It is hard not to think about the subject because death is inevitable. The story was different from current theories because he went to a character not fit to judge. In addition he was in a building with nobody around but Harris. However, It was common in a way because of the so called white light. So many people claim to see it when they have a near death experience. I believe we all think about the afterlife and wonder what is coming next, so this actually relates to everyone. In addition, I got skeletons in my closet like everyone else so I can relate to the two characters when it comes to regret. Not nearly as bad as theirs but they exist. Like Harris, I believe what is done is done and there is no taking it back. No matter how bad you wish you could. All one can do is learn from the mistakes that caused those regrets. The other point I believe was evident in the story was fear of the unknown. I can relate because that does happen to be true with me most of the time like it is with most people. It is just an easier route to take when there is no risk involved.

Character From a Story Blog

My favorite character in a story is Jimmy Baca, because “A Place to Stand” is the last book I remember reading in a English class and the last character I recall from any story. Jimmy Baca is the main character in the novel and is also the author of the book. He was a good character to choose because he gives hope to some people. Jimmy Baca  spent many years behind bars in a maximum security prison for the selling of drugs. To make matters worse, he was illiterate at the age of 21. This guys life was basically a mess, until he did something about it. This is a testimony of  how a person who is failing at life can turn things around if they just make the effort to do so. This character goes through a tough time like living on the street, treated bad by his drunk father , and abandoned by his mother. He lived a poor life in orphanages and barely scraping by. He encountered many obstacles in life and had to get passed them. His grandfather was one of the only person who cared about him, but he dies when he is a kid. In prison he spent a lot of time in solitary confinement and decided he wanted to learn how to read. He learned how to read and write during his time in prison. It’s kind of ironic how a character who is from the streets, is into writing poetry. With time he becomes good at it and since then has received awards because of his poetry and books. I just think it’s good to see a person in that much trouble, still be able to conquer obstacles and make it in life. It’s good for people who are in a tough situation to read the book. It might give them some kind of hope to see that another person has made it, even if they make it in a different way.

Back to School

Well, what can I say I enjoyed the time away from school. It sucks getting out later during work weeks but at least I don’t have to go home and do so many homework assignments which consume so much time after school. It’s nice getting home and being able to do what ever I want,  and in some cases its relaxing, going to the gym, or spending time with my girlfriend.  There wasn’t much going on at work but when there was some thing to do it was a hell of a lot better than sitting for 8 hours in a classroom. I was glad to have learned and seen new things in my trade these last two weeks. It seems weird but I get home more tired from school than I do from work. However, it wouldn’t be to bad if we had less homework to complete. It just seems every little bit of homework from all the instructors piles up at the end of the day  and studying makes it so time consuming. What makes it worst is having to do work for courses we already completed. I am looking forward to tomorrow because it puts me one day closer to the end of these two weeks. However, I guess school has its advantages too because I know for a fact I’ll have Saturday off these next two weeks.



     I’ve heard this quote many times and there always seems to be many ways to explain it. I know someone else used it first, but I remember it from the song life goes on by Tupac Shakur. It means If someone dies life still goes on, so you’ll have to get over it. It means you can’t be depressed about it your entire life, you must learn to adapt and keep living your life in a positive way. It means to get used to it because no matter what, life will not wait for you so you must keep moving forward. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the death of someone, for it is often used in other ways. When a girl leaves a guy or a guy leaves a girl and one of them is still upset, they usually get told “life goes on” or get over it, move on, it’s for the better. It really is just a nicer way of slapping someone in the face and telling them to forget about their former partner. They will often say it so that they realize there is much more in store for them in the future to be sad for too long. I am sure other people might explain the quote a bit different, but that’s how I see it. However, the quote is so broad that it can often be used for much more than that. It could also be used when someone loses a job, for one might say “life goes on.” I guess there is really no right or wrong way to look at it as long as you can argue it. I guess that’s why I like the quote, since it could mean don’t wine just keep living life as if nothing happened. One could just make the most of the new situation they are in and don’t look back.


song blog

     There is an older song that I remember me and my friend listened to on a bus ride home from school. The song was “Ill be missing” by p. diddy and it was in the summer of 2003. I remember it because he told me “man this song is hell of old.” That same week ironically he was killed in a bike accident while we got chased by 4 lowlifes trying to get us. We fled the scene but he went onto oncoming traffic while trying to get away and he was hit by a speeding vehicle. I heard a big crash and it turned out to be him flying 25 feet through the air onto the pavement. He died on his way to the hospital, and I couldn’t sleep several  nights after I saw his badly injured body laying flat. I was 14 and he was 15 at the time, it was even worst because we were riding home from a day at the fair when we got approached and chased down. The worst part was that we were about 100-150 yards away from our houses. The entire neighborhood came out, even other friends and school peers came out because of the loud crash. I bet they wished they didn’t, because it wasn’t a good sight to see. That image  I saw that night will stay with me forever. This song has to do with a guy losing a close friend. It mentions how they used to hang out together and have fun, which made me remember memories I had as well. One of the lines says “night they took my friend try to black it out but it plays again” and I could relate to it. I remember not wanting to here the song at first because it reminded me of that night I wanted to forget; however, I didn’t mind listening to it a couple weeks later. In addition, it seems like every time I here that song now, it only reminds me of the good times I spent with my friend, and not the night he died.