Why im writing about my topic blog…

I am writing about social media because it is used daily by many people. People also tend to have different opinions on it.  Although it can be a good way to communicate with friends and family, it can also be bad. My argument is that social media has more cons than pros and should be a concern to the public. Some people commit suicide due to cyber  bullying on social media. It also disrupts educational settings when people are posting negative comments or rumors on social media websites that end up becoming a concern on school campuses. It is even worst when little kids are on these sites, because there are cases where they think they are talking to someone they are not. Sick people might use a fake profile name and picture to trick kids into trusting them and revealing private information about them, and later end up kidnapped. Cyber bullying is a cause for concern on social media because it ruins people’s reputations in the eyes of those who believe in the postings. Privacy in social media sites is another reason why there should be concern. There are things you might not want publicized to some, and if it reaches the wrong eyes you can be in trouble. There have been cases where people have been fired due to employers seeing something negative on social media sites. There have been cases of people posting to much information on social media about vacationing some where and upon returning home realizing there valuables were gone. It might lead to addiction, many people can’t go a couple minutes without checking their Facebook. This may be a cause for concern for teens who would rather stay indoors in social media sites rather than staying active and doing things outdoors. Social media sites also lead to less face to face interaction. There have been recent studies conducted recently that address mental health risks for users. It Is believed to cause stress, anxiety, and depression. In addition staring at a screen for to long can’t be good for your eyes either. My reason for my argument is to make people aware of the risks involved with social media. Not saying it’s bad just saying it should be a concern.

2 thoughts on “Why im writing about my topic blog…

  1. This reminds me of the show “Catfish.” It is definitely reality T.V. but it caught my attention whenever my sisters were watching it. The internet allows people to have a fake life or persona if they want to. Although I would never spend years chatting with someone and “dating” them if we never met in real life. I feel sorry for those people that believe there true loves are real and turn out to be an entirely different person. Good post man.


  2. I agree with you about social media and the possible cons towards it. As far as social interaction go, me and my friend go out an party most weekends. In some cases, a couple of her friends meet us where ever to enjoy the evening. The things is that all theses two women end up doing is taking selfies of themselves all night and posting them to their Facebook accounts of what ever sites they belong and not really interacting with anything going on around them. Besides that, all their pictures on their websites create a false image. They get comments that …wow…you look like you are always having a good time. I need to go out with you…etc. The problem if those commenting on their post ever did go to a function with them, they would see that their friends are all just smoke and mirrors.


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