technology addiction blog

Many people are addicted to cellphones, social media, video games, and other forms of technology. I believe some people are addicted to certain types of  technology but just don’t realize it or do not want to admit it. I’d like to believe I am not addicted to any. I do use technology on a daily basis but it’s not like I over use it. The technology I use the most is my cell phone but I don’t overuse it because it’s not like I am over on data every month when the bill arrives. However, I did go over my data in the past. I do believe I used it too much in the past, but as of recently I’ve laid it down, and since we can’t bring cell phones to work with camera and Bluetooth capabilities it goes unused for longer periods of time. I believe there is nothing wrong with using todays advances in technology, since they just happen to make life easier. If it’s in moderation or as needed then we should be fine. I will admit I don’t go anywhere without my cellphone, except for inside work. It just makes things easier I’m connected to email if needed, can find addresses, can make a call in an emergency, go online and get a question answered,  manage my bank account and pay bills in a flash. It’s just so convenient, and I am glad they have  evolved over the years. A couple years ago all that wasn’t available in a cellphone. I can’t imagine how it was like a couple years ago, huge cellphones with no internet would have sucked. Another technology I use on a daily basis Is an I pod, either for the gym or for the car. It is just so convenient not having to run with a huge cd player like my older brother had to do in his day if he wanted some music. Plus you were limited to a couple songs in a cd where as in a mp3 you get so much more variety. It’s great that technology keeps advancing and these two items have changed for the better in just a span of a couple years. There in no harm in simplicity and taking advantage of the advances technology has to offer. However, certain technology should be used less, like video games to avoid negative consequences. Some technology is just misused, like little kids using social media and then ending up kidnapped. Only thing that can slightly be considered an addiction for me is my cell phone which includes the internet, but it’s more of a necessity to simplify things.

One thought on “technology addiction blog

  1. I am with you on using phones as a tool instead of a necessity. I too have my phone with me whenever I go somewhere but am not constantly on it. I have narrowed down my devices instead of having an ipod, Garmin, and my phone, I just have all my music and applications on my phone. It makes life so much easier. Not going over your data every month feels great when you don’t have an extra fee to pay too.


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