Story that relates…

This is actually a hard one, since I don’t really think one relates to me that much but if I have to choose one it would be “Afterlife” by Stephen King. I think I relate more to the stories main points because I do happen to be interested in what happens when we die. It’s fascinating because it is something we will never know, until the day we die. It is just weird how there is so many theories out there but nothing concrete. People can say heaven, hell, reincarnation, the end, etc. It is hard not to think about the subject because death is inevitable. The story was different from current theories because he went to a character not fit to judge. In addition he was in a building with nobody around but Harris. However, It was common in a way because of the so called white light. So many people claim to see it when they have a near death experience. I believe we all think about the afterlife and wonder what is coming next, so this actually relates to everyone. In addition, I got skeletons in my closet like everyone else so I can relate to the two characters when it comes to regret. Not nearly as bad as theirs but they exist. Like Harris, I believe what is done is done and there is no taking it back. No matter how bad you wish you could. All one can do is learn from the mistakes that caused those regrets. The other point I believe was evident in the story was fear of the unknown. I can relate because that does happen to be true with me most of the time like it is with most people. It is just an easier route to take when there is no risk involved.

3 thoughts on “Story that relates…

  1. I just see death as being inevitable and don’t think too much about it, but I don’t see things just turning black when I die. I lean more on the side of reincarnation like in the movie. “What Dreams May Come.”


  2. Life experiences are all different for everyone and yet when you look at all the cultures in the world they all had a god that they worship. It is something to look forward and to just to know it is not the end. And give us meaning to our life.


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