Back to School

Well, what can I say I enjoyed the time away from school. It sucks getting out later during work weeks but at least I don’t have to go home and do so many homework assignments which consume so much time after school. It’s nice getting home and being able to do what ever I want,  and in some cases its relaxing, going to the gym, or spending time with my girlfriend.  There wasn’t much going on at work but when there was some thing to do it was a hell of a lot better than sitting for 8 hours in a classroom. I was glad to have learned and seen new things in my trade these last two weeks. It seems weird but I get home more tired from school than I do from work. However, it wouldn’t be to bad if we had less homework to complete. It just seems every little bit of homework from all the instructors piles up at the end of the day  and studying makes it so time consuming. What makes it worst is having to do work for courses we already completed. I am looking forward to tomorrow because it puts me one day closer to the end of these two weeks. However, I guess school has its advantages too because I know for a fact I’ll have Saturday off these next two weeks.

5 thoughts on “Back to School

  1. I love your honesty in this post, I agree that it’s a lot harder during the school weeks than when we are at work. It is also very satisfying going home knowing that you earned your pay for each day that you bust your ass working hard. I also agree that the home work dose pile up pretty fast each day.


  2. I am right there with you man. I have taken at least five of the courses we are going to have to complete for this course and the repetition sucks ass through a straw. I believe you speak for all of us that the two weeks away from this hell hole is a blessing and way more relaxing than school. Great post


  3. Way to make a girl feel useful. 🙂 I do appreciate your honesty, and I can imagine that having to repeat a course you have already completed must be frustrating for you. I don’t know why it is set up that way. However, I do appreciate that you are participating and I hope you make the most of it. Most things in life are manageable and even good learning experiences if you have the right mindset.


  4. Like you, I enjoy working in the yard more than in the classroom as well. When the day is over in the yard, it’s over, but when the class day ends, I still need to make the 2 hour commute before even thinking about homework. I just cross off weeks on the calendar while looking towards the last day, like a prisoner etching tick marks on his cell wall.


  5. It is nice to be in school because it has air conditioning in all the rooms. My work has non of them, we just have a fan to circulate the hot air around the room. But yes courses that we have done already still have to do work. And the good thing this time around that we get paid for studying.


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